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Thanks for your question!

I'm sorry but there's no such setting.  Sections have independent tag selection.

We'll consider implementing this as an option in future version. You might want to add this as a feature idea so that other people could vote for it.

Чтобы такой ярлык заработал, нужно активировать опцию "Настройки - Система - Зарегистрировать протокол ссылок на заметки."

Hello John, thanks for the report! I confirm the bug. Will be fixed in the next update.

Meanwhile please use the Alt+Shift+F (or Right click -> Insert Link To -> File) to insert the link to file into note's text. This also gives you the ability to browse and pick the file.

Thanks a lot for your report, John! I agree this is not a exactly a feature. I have added it to the checklist for V4, will see what is possible to do..

Hello John,

Yes this was removed in 2.7 because very few people were using the feature and removing it greatly unified and simplified the code. We'll see how many people will vote for this idea. Also you might want to vote for Markdown support here:


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