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Well I guess that depends on what system is your "first" ;) I definetely feel more at home on Windows, but I have a lot of respect for people who use Linux as a primary system.
Thanks a lot for your thoughts, Axel!
Ok then I will merge this request into that one, this way you'll get a lot of votes :)
It's this the same feature as this? https://roadmap.cintanotes.com/en/communities/1/topics/173-editing-multiple-notes-in-one-edit-window
Glad you liked it! But still will have to wait a bit I'm afraid
Thanks for the suggestion! In the next major release, the attachments will be displayed in the notes list, please see the mock up here:
Thanks a lot for the suggestion! Please note that you don't have to close the note editor to open the next note, you can simply go back to the notes list and double-click the next note to edit it.
Thanks for the suggestion! Will definitely consider adding this as an option for V4
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for the suggestion!